January 30, 2023
I’m not normally the biggest fan of millennial slang (yes, yes, I know how old I sound) but ghosting is one of my favourites. Defined as “the act of someone suddenly cutting off all communication without notice or any explanation”. It’s normally used in the context of dating but every coach reading this would be sadly shaking their heads at how familiar this phenomenon is in coaching.
If you haven’t yet had a client ghost you, don’t feel left out, it will happen at some point.
The important thing to remember is that (most of the time) it’s not about you. Clients ghost for a variety of reasons and the intent of this post is to explore some of those and how you can deal with them without doubting your own capability.
Ghosting tends to happen more in the beginning parts of a coaching relationship – mostly right after the initial chemistry conversation or perhaps after a couple of sessions. The initial meetings seem to go well but then the client vanishes and does not respond to contact and the coach is left wondering what they did.
So why do clients do this? Here are the two possibilities that most coaches tend to consider
And sure, in some cases, these could be the reality. There are plenty of times when companies offer coaching to leaders who don’t want it but don’t want to say no for fear of being seen as uninterested in personal growth. So they show up for a session or two and then vanish.
There are also times when the wavelength/style of the client and coach just don’t match. I’m guilty of ghosting a perfectly good therapist myself, many years ago, because the modality she wanted to use wasn’t something I resonated with.
But it would be reductionist to assume that these are the only two possibilities why clients ghost. There are many unspoken/unconscious expectations that both client and coach could be bringing into the relationship that cause it to not work.
From my own work with clients, here are a few more reasons why clients could ghost:
There are a whole host of other possibilities but for now, let’s look at what you can do about it as a coach.
If a client ghosts you after the initial call, ask yourself these questions
If the answer is yes, yes and no – chalk it up to “this happens” and move on. Not every person you have a lovely chemistry conversation is going to become a client and that’s just the way it rolls.
If someone you’ve worked with for a couple of sessions ghosts, here are some things you could do
And most importantly, be kind to yourself. Yes, it is important to sharpen our skills but it’s equally important to remember the intent with which we’ve decided to be coaches. We’re here because we’re drawn to the idea of personal growth and supporting others as they grow….that process is sometimes painful and messy so treat yourself with compassion.
Do leave a comment about how you feel on reading this. And please feel free to ping me at sunitha@navgati.in if there’s a topic you’d like to see addressed or you’d like to contribute.
This is not something people talk about very often with peers but nevertheless an important thing that may put the seeds of self doubt in the minds of a coach. It’s wonderful to have this said into the open and to remind as coaches we need to be kind to ourselves too