Preparing for the ICF Credentialing Exam


Welcome! You’re here because you would like help preparing for the Credentialing Exam as part of your ICF accreditation.

The ICF Credentialing Exam is a three-hour exam, delivered by computer in a testing center or through Pearson’s OnVUE remote proctored testing service. This is the final step of the credential process and you will reach it once your application has been reviewed for the other elements. You will have 60 days from the time you receive the application to take the exam. You can find more details about the exam process here:

The ICF Credentialing Exam contains 81 situational judgment items. Each exam item contains a realistic scenario describing a coaching situation, followed by four response options. For each scenario, candidates are asked to select the best action and the worst action among the options provided for that scenario.

There is only one correct best action and one correct worst action for each coaching scenario. Although more than one response may represent a reasonable response to the scenario presented, candidates will receive credit only for selecting the best possible action or the worst possible action.

The ICF has provided a few sample scenarios to help candidates prepare – we have put those into a format which simulates the actual exam (in terms of time and how the questions appear). If you have not already read our blog post on how to prepare for the exam, please read that first before you take the test

Wish you all the best!